Fugitive Ukrainian Member of Parliament Alexander Onishchenko claimed in an interview from Dubai on Monday that President Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko was personally involved in large-scale corruption and money laundering in Ukraine. SOT, Alexander Onishchenko, fugitive Ukrainian MP, (English): "I cannot say exactly the amount how much they used, if you see how of the corruption scandals were from this money, because the most of the money they use for the war. [Ukrainian President Petro] I think Poroshenko is very interested to keep the war. First of all, they can anytime get the power and say now is the time to put the military and take the control of everyone. The second thing, all of the contracts for this war like even the smaller weapons, and some stuff for the army they do in the companies which are close to him. So, they just washing money, so these companies they get the biggest contract, they get this money, they keep the provision and they are making money. For th...